My first moment of joy came when I realized that old memories of a charge-up shot were not invented by my imagination. So, now I'm equipped with an extra-damage-giving arm cannon. Which is awesome cuz I keep wasting missiles on ceiling jumpers.
So then I moved on to find these little jerks.
If I could improve one thing about this game it would be to make it easier to get the hell out of spikey water. I had so many deaths because of that that I was ready to eat my controller. However, with a little patience I got through it and found out that my super missiles blow these guys up in a hurry. It wasn't long before I finally found these suckas:
Which made life a little easier, but then I realized that a quite a few rooms back and on a whole different level I had left areas what were too high to reach. However, I can't go back there because I've closed myself off. So then I found the next save point, here....And was doubly miffed to find that I had nowhere else to go. To the right of this save point was a dead end that I couldn't blast through, and all the rooms I could access were either too hot for my armor(or something...) or the door wouldn't open with any of my weapons. I feel like I missed something and its frustrating. There's also a room with Indiana Jones style closing doorways that I have to run through, but the second one still closes too fast. Being too frustrated to continue I have called it quits for the day and will try again tomorrow...or later tonight.
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