For instance, within the first 10 seconds of the level I came to a boss door!

And it was my good friend Chill Penguin.

The fight was pretty similar to how the last one went, I jumped over his attacks, shot him when he was up blowing wind, and got hit by his tackle a few times. The big difference this time though, was that I found his weakness!

FIRE! Hahahahaha!!
.... Ahem. So, that killed him faster.
Next I came to a mech which I used to tear through some baddies. Short and sweet, as usual.

Next there were these two paths I could go up, littered with bad guys either way. After getting struck down a couple times, I used my Chamleon ability so I was untouchable to leap up as fast as I could, avoiding bad guys and shots alike.

I ran out into the open and was greeted by the noise of flapping wings. And so I faught Storm Eagle again. He felt more annoying this go around, but that may just be because he didn't do anything special when I hit him with any of my powers. The Chameleon Sting shot seemed to do more damage, but it didn't stun him so I kept getting hit by his little birds or dive attack.

I did manage to kill him before I fell off the edge, luckily. But I was hurtin' pretty bad. After the fight I made my way forward and got some more health. It was a short distance however, before I came to the last boss of this level. Which was a big, giant, robot, face.

So, this guy had a few options for attacking. His eyes opened one at a time, being different colors. The green eye shot one bullet, the red eye shot a spray of 3 bullets (it could also fly out at you) and the blue eye, which kinda flys at you and then hovers there for a bit. After a bit the walls would close in and it's nose would fly around and try to hit you.
After enough damage, the eyes would explode, leaving you to just deal with the nose.
When you kill it, the spikes disappear and you teleport away, victorious! Onto the next level, I'm feeling so pumped, I know I'm close to the end!
Catch ya later gamers!
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