Well, to start, this appeared to be a cavern of some fashion. I imagined the insides of a mine. Probably due to the cart that I jumped upon at the beginning. The spikes on the front and back of the cart protected me from enemies on the rails themselves, while I occupied myself with shooting at the many, many robot bats who flew at me as I careened along. I thought it was to be
an on-the-rails level, but that was silly of me. The cart dipped into a gap and then bounced back and forth between the wall towards doom. So I leapt off and went flying with the momentum into a robot heron. That hurt, so I killed it with a few buster shots.
I ran for a bit, shot some things and then dropped down a hole to find this guy break through the wall after me.

So I ran away, with my dash boots I was able to get away from him rather easily. He chased me all the way along until I leapt over a pit of spikes which he promptly fell into and died. I chuckled and then retraced my steps back to where he came from and found an Energy Tank thing! It appears to store health I pick up when I'm at full so I can use it to heal myself. Nifty. I fought my way back through all that lovely jazz and jumped over more rocks and rode another cart, which killed more guys for me and then bounced down into another gap.
I was hurled through the air again and ended up dropping down another long fall where another smashy-smashy thing was waiting for me to tear apart some walls. I bolted along infront of it again and spotted a little glowing heart thing up above, so I did some wall jumping and grabbed it up. It game me more health! Awesome, right? Ya, pretty happy with that.
So, another cart, except this time, instead of flying down into a gap, it went hurling THROUGH THE AIR. I didn't know what was happening so I jumped right away, and flew onto the top of the cliff thing. There was a large thing of health sitting there but I couldn't go anywhere else. So I figured I'd slide down the wall, and then there was the boss door.
So. Armored Armadillo. Has armor. And can block by buster shots. That was annoying as hell. Also; he bounces around which is near impossible to continously avoid. He killed me so, so, SO many times. And everytime he killed me more than 3 times, I had to do the level over again. Yeesh. He has the bounce attack which can go on forever, he also has a little gun that pops out from his head and shoots a little dinky shot.
Anyhow, I remembered that the ice froze the one guy, and found it wasn't effective, HOWEVER, the lightning shot electrocuted him! And his armor fell off. Awesome, right? Now I could kept shooting him with the lightning shot. And he eventually died. I then unlocked the Rolling Shield, which is essentially a giant blue ball. I wonder which boss it'll pwn?... I also haven't decided which boss to strike next. So tired. Must sleep... Catch ya later gamers.
Oh right, yeah, the crystal shot wouldn't have done any good. Good job picking the lightning level first.