Today's WTF: Greeting me with a frozen slimy grin on the other side...
I was then able to access many many more things today and have gotten much farther. First...
Metroid Tip: When you're low on Energy or Ammo, stand beside one of these pipes and just harvest the little flying bugs for all they're worth.
I originally took this next screenshot to be like "Hey gamers, what killed this guy?" Then I got murdered by that door behind me with the creepy fire-breathing eye. I eventually passed it and moved on.
I soon encountered another boss. After looking up "Super Metroid Giant Weird Lizard Thing" on google, I found out it's name was Kraid. I was much to terrified and busy fighting him to get a good pic of him, so I pulled this one off the net:
He would shoot pieces of himself out of those belly craters that would push me onto a bed of spikes, dealing loads of damage and quite frankly, ticking me off. So I unloaded all of my super missiles into his mouth and made quite short work of him actually. Then I got a fancy new suit. And by fancy...I mean more orange.
But hey, remember in my last post how I said I was stuck cuz some rooms were too hot? Not with this suit.
Metroid Tip: When stuck in lava or spikes, smashing the jump button is the opposite of helpful. I discovered that if you don't panic and hold the jump button you'll do a full jump out of danger, unlike the short jumps that get you killed otherwise.
SO I kept playing and whooping more alien booty. Then I got two more fancy shmancy tools. One was a speed boost which let me obliterate things and got me through ANOTHER stuck point AND through the hallway with the quickly shutting doors.
And not long after that, with a bit of Morph-Ball spelunking, I found the ICE BEAM! Yeah, I got pretty stoked about that. This will let me freeze enemies that are floating and indestructible so that I can get to new points of Planet Zebes that I couldn't get to before.
I will be making another post in not too long, gamers, as I'm quite hooked on this one now. Just had a lot of material to share.
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