I've been playing this game whenever I can because I'm really feeling the need to just beat it. I'm getting excited with each new upgrade, each new power; I really feel like X is growing into a powerful force of nature... Er... Technology. Now it was time for me to face the last of the initial 8 bosses, Storm Eagle. Too be honest he is one of the cooler looking bosses I have so far encountered; and his level was a blast to go through.
I entered the level and was clearly on a roof of some kind. I came up to some platforms on a rotating belt. I had to jump from on to the other and work my way up. However, there were some flammable containers across the way, so I switched to my Flame power and burnt them up. All that was revealed was a large health container. I thought this was rather anti-climactic...

But then there were multiple sections of containers. Majority of them had health, but one had an extra life. Win.
I then followed the platforms given path and came on top of an AIRPORT (which was spelled out for me in great big letters.) There was then a pillar which went up and down with a turret on it. So I killed the turret, and stood atop the pillar as it rose and I was shown this command tower. So I hopped atop it, but there was nothing on it. I thought that was strange so I made my way along, and when I got to the other side I saw an energy sub-tank just in the glass. I fired a missile to hit a floating turret, but it turned around and broke the glass! So I scored the tank.

At the end of this leaping fest, I noticed another string of flammable tanks. I had to slide down the wall, jump (facing towards it) burn it, and then again before they started exploding... However, after the rather long string of explosions, there was no upgrade. -le sigh-

So I made my way to these metal-fence-towers, and there was a gap I could slip through. There I found more flammable containers, so I blew them up. And low and behold there was an upgrade tank! It gave me a fancy helmet that can breakthrough blocks. And I recalled a spot in an earlier level where there were some blocks... I'll check them out later though. So I made my way onward.
There were some more metal parts to jump on, an extra life which I grabbed up, and some more baddies to kill, but it wasn't so bad. And then entered into an airship through a boss door and thus began to battle with Storm Eagle.

So this guy fly's up, making him rather difficult to hit normally, so I found myself veering to the homing missiles. I did in-fact try out all the powers... But I couldn't really tell if any of them did extra damage, none of them stunned him. His most annoying attack was the dive bomb. He flies away and then shoots down at you from an angle; I dodged this every now and then, and when I did I would manage to get a shot off; although the missile was to slow to catch him so I switched to the ice shot for quick damage. He could also use large wind-gusts to try and push me off the ship (cuz we were now flying) or he could shoot out an egg which hatched into 4 little birds that attacked. I felt like I was in control of the battle and defeated him deftly; I even finished him while he was dive-bombing.
After I defeated him I unlocked the whirling tornado power, which is pretty freaking sweet. But cooler, is that there was small little cutscene after the level! That red-guy, Zero, showed up with me and we apparently for Sigma's Base. I'm assuming that's the bastard that kicked my ass in level one. So we set out to destroy him. However, when it returned to the boss screen, the boss there did not look like armored, mech guy... So... I still dunno who that is.
Before I face this Sigma I'm going to back-track through levels and find more upgrades. I'm sure I can find more health, maybe get another energy sub-tank and I still need to upgrade my buster! Catch ya later gamers.
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