The level started in a forest, which was not really suprising to be honest. I made my way along and killed some hopping robots, and destroyed that guy with the axe who threw chunks of a pillar at me (See post: Penguin)! I blazed through the first chunk of the forest, and then came to a gap which entered into a large tunnel inside a large hunk of rock (Or 'mountain' as some would call it.)
I was hoping for an upgrade of some kind so I checked down the side of the gap, and the camera moved down with me, so I was hopeful. However, all that was there was a wall I could break with a wall jump, and then a really, really long gap. It was too far to jump over, and the camera also didn't pan down if you tried. Not sure what it's there for really. I sincerely doubt Mega Man gets the power of flight.... Or does he...?
Anyway, so I went the opposite direction (Up) in search of power, and a I was met with a mini-boss!

This guy took a LONG ass time to die, I'll tell ya. Mainly because I could only hit in square in the face with a blast to hurt him. He had two things he could do; either he'll jump through the air quite slowly, and land where you were standing when he jumped, OR, he lifts his arm signalling that he is going to reach out his hand to hit ya and then sends it out rather slowly. The only times I got hit were when I got a little impatient and kept jumping and shooting his head when should've just moved. He blew up none the less, and then I acquired new and improved armor! I now take 50% LESS damage! Whoot! I guess this Dr. Light or what-have-you knew how to build a deadly robot.

Now that I was suited up, I entered the mountain. There were falling rocks which turned into robot humanoids who threw rocks at me. Scary. This was over quickly, and then I hopped into a Mech!

Last time I was in a Mech (See again: Penguin) I complained that I was in it for too short a time. This gallivant was not 'lengthy' by any stretch, but it was longer. It may have been partly due to the long sections of mud which I sunk into and slowed my speed greatly. I could dash along the top of the mud for a bit before I sunk too low, as well as smashing anything that got in my way, including other mechs. After escaping the mud field I came face to face with the boss (yes there was a boss door.) Good ol' Sting Chameleon.

He's a fast bugger, to be sure, he also rarely stops moving, which makes it kind of difficult to peg a shot off on him. He could turn invisible and when he did that I also couldn't damage him, even if I knew where he was. When he was invisible he could do three things:
- Move into a corner and hurl three green spikes at me
- Move towards me and flick out his tongue
- Drop down to the ground and growl/attack

2 more bosses to go! And I'm guessing 2 more upgrades to go. I'm slowly changing from the plain ol' Blue Mega Man to the Mega Man X on the cover, with white and gold armor. I need a new helmet and a new buster cannon. I'm excited to find them. Catch ya later gamers.
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