Anyway. This stupid level started on some stupid glass tubes, which had some stupid glowing electric sparks which shot along the path, damaging me if they hit me. This wouldn't have been so bad if there weren't MECHS shooting rockets at me. So I had to kill the mechs while jumping over the shock spheres, and trying not to get hit by rockets. I was nearly off'd in the first 15 seconds of that level. I luckily made it past them, only to find myself in a dark room where I ran into this crap.

So, these robot fireflys come blazing in from the other side of the screen and give you no time to react before they blast by; either hitting you or not. I died. So I had to go back, and then I died from the shock spheres/mech combo. And then I was hit by a firefly and dropped down a pit. And then again. I realized I had gotten cocky with my Mega Man skills from not dying before, but now... I was not happy. I then came to realize that the fireflys came in at the same spots every time, it was merely a matter of anticipating them and either shooting like a madman, or dodging. I managed to survive the first wave of this, and made my way along. More robots, more gaps.
I made my way through the level, blasting away, getting hit continuously by the constant array of villains. There were these giant turtles which launched parachute bombs down at me. I died
there too.
Then there was a creepy, messed up mini-boss;

He blasted me with lightning bolts, or bounced on me. Need I mention that he took out 1/3 of my health with each hit? I died there too. Just the once though, I managed to scathe my way through the second time, only getting hit twice. I died with the next wave of fireflies though.
Finally made it to the boss after fighting through more turrets, and turtles, and drill guys. He was a bulky beast, with glowing lights all over him. He didn't really have that many attack options, but he did a ridiculous amount of damage with each hit. He could send out two giant purple lightning orbs in opposite directions, which were easy enough to jump over; however, he had a flying punch that launched him straight across the floor. Now, I could jump onto the wall for this, but he would hit the wall and then knock me down... ONTO him. And so I died. Quite a few times. After getting a game over twice, and having to play through the entirety of the level a couple more times, I figured out that the Ice Power I acquired from the Penguin FREEZES big scary guy, and does an obscene amount of damage. And so I destroyed him thus.
... So I rambled again, and this post is already long enough, and I died a lot causing me to spend way more time playing today than I had initially intended... So I apologize, but it will just be the one boss for tonight. I'll go after the Armored Armadillo tomorrow. Catch ya later gamers.
Oh dude, don't do the armadillo until you get the crystal-something power. I remember this being a thing. That'll waste him super easily. Each boss has a unique weakness power from a different boss. I don't remember them all but yah.