Hey gamers, sorry about the mini-hiatus, but life has a way of not giving you any free time sometimes, y'know?

As I said in my last post, I headed back into the older levels to find myself some missing upgrades, and I did just that! I got myself 2 more health upgrades, an energy sub-tank and the super-charge buster cannon.
The health upgrades were both in sight when I first ran through the levels but I just didn't know how to get them. The boomerang got me the one in Kuwanger's level (see Kuwanger), and then I just had to be more of a badass in the Chameleon level and jump into the unknown (see Chameleon.)
For the energy tank, again I needed the boomerang, this time in the Spark Mandrill level. Note: You have to jump in order for the boomerang to curve downward.
The king of all upgrades; the arm upgrade. I said I needed a new buster cannon, and boy did I get a new cannon. This was in the Flame Mammoth level. There were these 'blocks' that I paid no attention to my first play through on the level, and with my new helmet (see Eagle) I could pop through them and get an awesome new toy.

This epic charge shot not only works for the regular buster cannon, but it also gives supped up versions of all my elemental powers. Awesome? I thought so. Let's take a look at what we got!

Here we have the buster shot, becoming a wave of fireball death.

Lightning shot
Then it streaks out in both directions, pretty sweet, huh? This all happens very fast of course.
Super boomerangs! If you really are surrounded and need to hit multiple guys around the screen.
This ones wicked. Fire shoots up infront of you and continues in a straight line. Until the floor runs out, or it hits a wall. Bad-Ass.

Now, this one isn't so easy to tell, but you kinda of gain a phasing quality and attacks pass through you and you can run through bad guys.

Here we have the missles, which launch five homing pirahnas! Sweet.

Alright... So... You create an ice penguin sled. You can ride it! Not sure when this will be useful...

Bubble shield! Simple enough, except I don't think you can attack when you're in it, and I think it only stops one hit. Meh?

Giant whirlwind tornado! So cool, really good at dealing with anything above you or coming towards you.
So there we have it. I'm all set to face Sigma, but I don't have time right, right this moment... So hopefully I will get to it soon. Thank you for the patience and the continuous views, keeps us going! Catch ya later gamers.
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