Dear gamers, I apologize for my extended absence. I'm currently stage managing a fantastic theater production and have had no time to myself to settle down and start up a new game to talk about. I feel terrible about not posting though, so I decided I could at least announce my next game, which I will be posting about right away. I thought about what game I would play, trying to consider what I'll have time for, what kind of game I would even want to play, etc... And I came to a final decision!
Not just a racing game - a FUTURE racing game. With jet-cars and boosters and Captain Falcon. Everytime I see the cover I just think "Show me your moves!" And I intend to. Yes that's the wrong game. Yes that one is amazing too. Sadly that's not on the SNES so I can't blog about it... Not yet.
Catch ya later gamers.
P.S. Thank you for the continuous views, really makes me feel like I'm providing some entertainment - don't be so shy and comment! Let us know how we're doing.
I swear, if I hear one "Falcon Punch" joke on this blog I will be UNIMPRESSED.