I piddled about Tantar and Tuntar until I finally thought to talk to the chief again, d'oye. And he was like "Ryu, we need a proper wedding ring thingy, so go get it while we prep for the interspecies wedding"
So he opened up a trap door, as usual, and I got...yes...another key. So I go back north to the cave by my big robot friend and find on the inside that the water level has been lowered because of the damn being broken. So I traverse this dungeon like all the rest with little incident and receive the ring.
The fact that this chest kinda resembles a Boss Key chest from Zelda became slightly foreboding to me.
Went back to town and found that they had arranged the wedding *gasp* just in time for me to bring the ring!
Don't mind me, ladies, errand boy coming through.
And we commenced with the inappropriate marriage of dog and woman. No offense, Bo.
So we were thanked and let go. I took a nap at the inn and proceeded to leave. We were supposedly gonna take the robot over the river...but...
That dickbag had better ideas I guess. And like a classic cartoon villain he had it perfectly timed. So while we were all in this town celebrating a wedding...
The neighboring town went 'splodey. But before the General could do the same to us, the Robot inexplicably shuts down...weird right? So we go in to stop the bad guy.
I thought this was gonna be an easy fight, but was I ever wrong, wow!
Ok, who fed the General after midnight?
He turned into a Gremlin and proceeded to pound me to a pulp. In order to win this fight I had to have Nina casting Atk Up on Ryu and Bo as well as Fort to keep Bo's shitty defenses up. After that, essentially, Nina was healing on every round while Bo and Ryu slowly chipped away at this dude's health. Once he was at a sliver of health, he did the boss thing and became tougher. Every turn he was blowing fire worth 15-20 damage at the whole team. Nina had to keep on her toes and heal the lowest health dude for like a millenia before Bo finally shot him down.
After this, the Robot moved:
We got to the southern part where the broken bridge was. Then the saddest thing in the world happened. I was too sad to take a screenshot, but essentially, GAR hopped into the volcano and died so that he wouldn't hurt anyone ever again.
This was me
With the GAR's noble sacrifice came the eruption of the volcano which filled the southern river and hardened into stone so we could cross.
Keep on gaming, Gamers.
Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.